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Uniform Information



We ask for parents’ co-operation in ensuring that children wear the school uniform which is as follows:-


Plain White blouse/polo shirt
Royal blue cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt (school logo optional)
Grey skirt or trousers.
In warm weather, a pale blue and white gingham dress may be worn.

Plain black, flat shoes (no heels or boots of any kind)


Plain white shirt/polo shirt
Royal blue jumper or sweatshirt (school logo optional)
Grey trousers.
In warm weather, grey shorts may be worn.

Plain black shoes (no boots of any kind)


*Trainers are only to be worn on your child's PE day. Trainers are not permitted as part of school uniform. 


Jewellery is not permitted apart from a watch and one pair of small stud earrings. Both must be removed for P.E. and swimming lessons. Nail varnish is also not permitted. 


It is important that parents ensure all items of clothing are labelled with their child’s name.


P.E. Lessons

All children require a PE kit. Whilst PE trainers are likely to be branded, please do not purchase branded items of clothing (e.g. shorts, leggings etc...). 


ActivityGirls Boys 
PEPlain navy blue shorts/skort, navy blue polo shirt, navy blue hoodie and trainers. In winter, plain navy blue jogging bottoms/leggings can be worn or navy blue tights under shorts/skort. Plain navy blue shorts, navy blue polo shirt, navy blue hoodie and trainers. In winter, plain navy blue jogging bottoms can be worn. 
Swimming (Year 5&6 only)One piece swimsuit, swimming cap and towel Swimming trunks (not shorts), swimming cap and towel



Ordering Uniform

Uniform items with the school logo can be ordered through school, however this is not essential and generic/plain items can be purchased either first or second hand from many retailers. Items available from school are as follows:-


Item                                      Size                          Price
Sweatshirt – Embroidered – Royal Blue                                24″ – 32″                       £11.50
Sweatshirt – Embroidered – Royal Blue                                34″ – 36″                       £12.50
Sweatshirt Cardigans – Embroidered – Royal Blue                                24″ – 32″                       £12.50
Sweatshirt Cardigans – Embroidered – Royal Blue                                34″ – 36″                       £14.50
Polo Shirt – Embroidered – White                                 All sizes                       £9.50
Fleece Jacket – Embroidered – Royal Blue                                  All sizes                       £15.00
Showerproof Fleece Jacket – Embroidered – Royal Blue                                 All sizes                       £23.00
Book Bags                                        -                       £4.75
Water Bottles                                       -                       £1.70
Replacement Water Bottle Lids                                       -                       £0.70

PE Polo Shirt - Embroidered - Navy Blue with Royal 

Blue/White Trim

20/22" - 36"/38" £15.50
PE Hoodie - Embroidered - Navy Blue 26" - 34"£13.50
PE Hoodie - Embroidered - Navy Blue (small adult)36" - 52"£16.00

Uniform Order Form
