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Flushdyke Junior and Infant School

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Pupils may start in our Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday. We therefore have 3 intakes in Nursery per year – September, January and after Easter. For full time education all children would be eligible to start school in the September following their 4th birthday.


The policy on admissions to community and voluntary controlled schools is determined by the Local Authority following consultation with governing bodies. The administration of admissions is the responsibility of the Admissions Team of Family Services based in County Hall. From September 2001, Infant Class Size legislation came into force and all Reception Year, Year 1 and Year 2 classes will not normally exceed a maximum of 30. Flushdyke J & I School has a current published admission number of 15 per year group. There are 15 Nursery places available in the morning and the same number in the afternoon. However, by accepting a Nursery place does not automatically guarantee a full time Reception place.


If the number of preferences received for a school does not exceed the Annual Admission Number, all preferences will be met. However, if there are more applications for admission to a school than there are places available, preference will be given to children as listed in the admissions policy above.


In all categories, when decisions have to be made between children satisfying the same criteria, children living nearest to the school, measured as the crow flies, have priority. This Admissions Policy also applies to Nursery applications.


Full details of the Local Authority policy on admissions are given in the “Guide for Parents”. This is available at County Hall, Wakefield and can also be downloaded from Full time admissions must be dealt with by the Local Authority Admissions Department (telephone 01924 305616).
