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Flushdyke Junior and Infant School

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English: Reading

We are a reading school! Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Children learn to read through encountering challenging texts which form the basis of each half term’s English learning. Our reading lessons focus on developing vocabulary, teachers modelling high-quality active reading, and lots of practise for children to develop their key skills.  In Key Stage 1 and 2, these are to explain the meaning of words in context, retrieve information from the text, interpret the meaning of the text, and consider authorial choices. Children will recognise these vital key skills as our ‘ERIC’ skills.  In addition to these important techniques, Key Stage 1 children also learn to decode (see Early Reading and Phonics). Our teaching of reading is simple but effective.


We place a great emphasis on children building their fluency of reading so that they are able to access and understand the challenging texts which form our reading curriculum. Weekly, we have two hour-long lessons dedicated to teaching children how to apply their key skills. In our wider curriculum lessons, children apply these skills in context, reading to learn, and acquiring lots of higher-order, academic vocabulary.


In each classroom, teachers are developing their own special reading areas where adults share their love of books with the children, recommending new and old favourites, and showcasing a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. It is our aim that children 'get lost in a book' in these high-quality havens of literature. As well as lots of practice at school, children are expected to read at home three times per week. Staff ensure that children also have lots of opportunity to practice at school if home reading is ever an issue.


We are proud of the way we teach Reading at Flushdyke. In 2024, 87% of our children achieved the expected standard or above at the end of Key Stage 2, including 67% of children achieving the greater depth standard

Our Reading Environments
