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RSHE - One Life

'Pupils have meaningful opportunities to develop their ‘mental fitness’. Pupils respond well to this and talk about how it helps them.' Ofsted, October 2022

Flushdyke considers that Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE) is an integral part of the Personal, Social, Citizenship, Health and Economic (PSCHE) Education curriculum.


We aim to offer pupils a carefully planned programme on human development, relationships and family life within a safe, comfortable atmosphere and in a relaxed relationship between teacher and pupil. The programme is set within a moral framework and matched to the pupils’ level of maturity. These aims complement those of the science curriculum in KS1 and KS2.


RSHE is taught through our One Life programme following a deliberately planned and carefully sequenced curriculum which goes above and beyond the Department for Education’s statutory guidance.


Through One Life, RSHE content is broken down into 3 strands: Mental Fitness; Physical Fitness and Social Fitness. We are passionate in our belief that, for our children to grow into happy, healthy and well-rounded young people and adults, we must teach them, explicitly, how to develop mentally, physically and socially. 


Our One Life content is broken down into key challenges:



A crucial element of our One Life programme is ensuring that our children understand the warning signs linked to their mental, physical and social fitness. We have developed a traffic light system which supports the children to quickly identify whether they are staying 'fit' across the 3 different areas.



If you would like to find out more about our One Life programme, please don't hesitate to contact school and speak to a member of staff. 
