After-school clubs provide opportunities to enrich children’s experiences, and they act as a great way to develop children’s social skills, confidence and harness their individual talents.
Clubs and activities are matched to our staff’s expertise and interests and make the most of the resources we have in school.
Autumn 1
Young Voices Singing Club
Wednesdays: 3:20pm - 4:15pm
Miss Millar and Mrs Stefaniuk
Years 2 - 6
Cost: £2.50 a week
Permission slip required
Tennis Club
Thursdays: 3:20pm - 4:15pm
Mrs Finn (School PE Coach)
Years 3 - 6
Cost: £2.50 a week
Permission slip required
Library Club
Fridays: 12:30pm - 1pm
Mr Wood
Years 1 and 2
No cost
No permission slip required
Chess Club
Mondays: 3:20pm - 4:15pm
Mr Higgins
Years 4 - 6
Cost: £2.50 a week
Permission slip required
Clubs specifically for children in Reception will commence in the Spring Term once they have fully settled into school.
Next half term, Mrs Finn's PE club will be aimed at children in Years 1 and 2. This will swap each half term to give every child a chance to access this club up to 3 times a year if they wish.
All Autumn 1 after-school clubs will run for 7 weeks starting the week commencing Monday 9th September. New clubs for Autumn 2 will be advertised during the last week of this half term.
You can book your child on to a club by either printing the relevant letter below and complete the permission slip or alternatively you can email to confirm which club you would like to sign up for. Please make sure you provide your child's name and class. Please make payment to the office following your email.