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Flushdyke Junior and Infant School

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At Flushdyke, through our broad teaching of Physical Education, children will develop the competence to excel in a range of physical activities. This will be achieved through exciting and specifically designed lessons.


Our curriculum has been carefully designed to allow children to be physically active for sustained periods of time in different settings; within both indoor and outdoor lessons.


The aim is that children of all capabilities are able to engage in competitive sports and activities from a very young age and are able to complete this with enthusiasm and enjoyment throughout their time at Flushydyke. This takes form during intra-school competition between classes and inter-school competition with children from schools across the district.


Where opportunities arise, children will have the chance to read and learn about significant sports personalities and about keeping healthy in order for them to develop their understanding of how important this topic is, not only as children but as adults too.


We have carefully implemented, within lessons, time to recap previous knowledge learnt in order for the children to cement previous learning and make connections to new learning. Through specialist coaching and extra curricular clubs, children's interests and talents will be nurtured.


Most importantly, our end goal, is that by the time children leave Flushdyke, that they leave us with the knowledge and understanding of how to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.


Wider Curriculum Team



Whole School PE Curriculum Map

PE Progression of Skills
